DIY Arizona Scorpion Pest Control

I moved to Phoenix/Scottsdale Arizona area a couple years ago from the midwest and found a whole new group of creatures. The one that bothered my wife the most was scorpions. The day we moved into our house we found one lonely scorpion limping alone the baseboard in our living room. She freaked out a bit and I went to the internet to find a Do It Yourself (DIY) way to kill scorpions. Online I also found out that Arizona is home to the pretty nasty bark scorpions. First we bought a LED UV flashlight so we could easily see them. We used it to find scorpions at night and figure out where they may hide or nest nearby. It also was a fun "hunting" exercise for our nephews. Thankfully we only found a few scorpions on our property and weren't infested. LED UV Flashlight Ultraviolet Black Light Flashlight - Inexpensive aluminum LED UV flashlight from Amazon. Just remember to by the 3AAA batteries for it. Backpack Sprayer Chapin 61800 4-Gallon ProSeries Backpack Sprayer ...