Microsoft Exchange Account Disappears from Android Phone - Motorola Droid

At least I'm not alone in the fact that my Motorola Droid keeps loosing my Microsoft Exchange email account periodically. I have personally lost the exchange account 4 times (and the other IMAP accounts under the email application). Putting in the credentials again "fixes it". The frequency has gone up since the upgrade to Android 2.0.1. During the entire time the gmail mail accounts are fine. Here are a few of the posts that I'm tracking relating to the issue. No official word from Google, Motorola, or Verizon on the problem -or a pending fix.

Reports on Google's Android forum:

Reports on Verizon's droid forum:;jsessionid=32c7704020432f772a7cfec1677f7fd52

Reports on Motorola's message forum:

I'm looking for a better way to diagnose and find the root cause of this problem. Any suggestions are very welcome.


  1. having the same issue with one of our users.. on a google G2 phone, and a galaxy s 4g, we have moved her to diferent phones, and still has the same problem. we have about 70 phones, all g2's and some galaxy s 4g's.(on T-Mobile) she is the only person its happening to.

  2. I have an employee here with the same issue. We have to set up his exchange mail once a week and he also loses his contacts in the process. I have the contacts now saved as google and phone contacts, and installed lookout to back them up that way too. This is on a Samsung Epic Touch 4G Galaxy SII.

  3. Can confirm issue in my Galaxy S3. I have randomly lost my corporate Exchange account 3 times this month. Contacts are lost as well as calendar info.
    This happens after rebooting my device.
    Setting the account with the wiizard again restores all data from the server but it is annoying and definitely shouldn't be happening


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